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PBLS course

When a child stops breathing or has swallowed something, knowing how to act quickly and correctly can make a real difference.  This is why Gaslini organises PBLS (Paediatric Basic Life Support) courses to teach the correct cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques and airway unblocking techniques.

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UOC Pronto soccorso e Medicina d'urgenza pediatrica

Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE) - Information for parents (pdf)

The collaboration between Obstetrics&Gynaecology and Neonatology

Gaslini offers the best possible care to newborns. To this end, a collaboration between the staff working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and those working in Neonatology.
They must all work together to detect and deal with issues that may arise as quickly as possible .
The heads of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Neonatology underline the importance of collaboration between their two units.

Three different spirits for one hospital

Chief Executive Director Paolo Petralia, Medical Director Silvio Del Buono and Scientific Director Lorenzo Moretta describe the three different arms of the Institute: strong emphasis on a compassionate approach to care, the high standards of care in all paediatric specialities and excellence in scientific research.



Sul sito dell'Istituto potrai trovare altre informazioni utili per la tua gravidanza, nella sezione Percorso Nascita.

Attenzione: alcune informazioni contenute in questi video, soprattutto quelle di carattere burocratico-organizzativo, riguardano l'organizzazione dell'Istituto Gaslini e potrebbero quindi non essere valide per tutti gli altri ospedali. Ti invitiamo a contattare il tuo ospedale per avere le informazioni corrette per il tuo caso. Allo stesso modo, desideriamo ricordare l'importanza di consultare il tuo medico e il tuo ginecologo per consigli mirati sulla tua particolare esperienza di futura mamma!